20 Vegetables Can Regrow From Kitchen Scraps


Even if you have a garden or not, it is such a joy to grow your vegetables. Besides the new hobby that you will have, it is also a very cost-effective way to eat healthily.

It might sound difficult for some of you; however, you don’t even need to go out to buy some seed. Here come the 20 vegetables can regrow from kitchen scraps!

1. Lettuce and Cabbage

How to grow lettuce and cabbage from kitchen scraps


The pieces that we throw while preparing a salad can actually be something, a new plant! Instead of throwing these pieces away, you can put them in a bowl with a little bit of water and take it to a place where it can get some sunlight.

Mist the lettuce or cabbage leaves a couple of times a week; you will realize that small roots and some new leaves start to appear. Now it is ready to get planted in the soil!

2. Celery

How to grow celery from kitchen scraps

Tutorials: alittletimeandakeyboard, mogslee-tiger

This is an easy one in comparison to others. Cut off the bottom of your celery and place it in a bowl of warm water. Make sure that it gets enough sunlight every day. You will see that leaves growing in a week. Yes, now you can transplant it in the soil!

3. Avocado

How to grow avocado from kitchen scraps

When you have your avocado, this time, be more careful not to hurt the seed inside it. You will just need to wash it finely, stick some toothpicks around it and place it in a bowl of water that will only cover the bottom of the seed.

It is important not to expose it to direct sunlight but keep it in a warm place. Each day you will need to check the water level and add some water. Until the stem and roots appear, it will take up to 6 weeks.

Once the stem reaches 6 inches, you will need to cut it down to 3 inches. When you see the very first leaves of the avocado, it is a clear sign that it is ready to get planted! 


4. Potatoes

How to grow potatoes from kitchen scraps

How to grow potatoes from kitchen scraps

Tutorials: home joys,

When potatoes wait too much in the kitchen, they already start to grow! You just need to collect those eyes of a potato that waited enough and peel them 2 inches apart.

Make sure that on your every piece, there are at least two, even better three eyes. Let them dry over-night, and the next day you can place it 1 inch under the ground. The eyes should be facing you when you are planting.


5. Ginger

How to grow ginger from kitchen scraps How to grow ginger from kitchen scraps

Tutorials: The Rainforest Garden, RuralSrpout

You just need to spare a piece from your ginger. If you want to have it, it’s growing! Place your ginger root piece on the growing soil and make sure that the buds are facing up. It will start to grow within a week, and you can start to cut some pieces from your ginger as soon as you see the growing parts. 


6. Pineapple

How to grow pineapple from kitchen scraps

Tutorials: Make Ad Lib, Amy Goodrich,

It is not only tasty but also very stylish to grow pineapples as they have a very fancy look! Cut the top Leafy part of the pineapple and stick some toothpicks on it.

Place it above a bowl that has enough water to touch the base of the pineapple and put it under direct sunlight. You should change the water every second day.

When you see the roots coming out, you can place it on the soil. If you are living in a warm region, you can grow your pineapple outside, but it can also be a very chick indoor plant.

7. Garlic

How to grow garlic from kitchen scraps

Tutorials: Simple Daily Recipes

One clove of garlic is enough to plant a new one. You need to keep the garlic wrappers intact until the moment that you plant it in potting soil, you need to keep the roots downwards.

Water heavily once a week, when you see the leaves coming out of the soil, you should stop that heavy watering, and when you see those leaves downwards, like making 45 degrees down, you need to know that it is time to harvest your garlic!

Read also: How to grow garlic at home

8. Onions

How to grow onions from kitchen scraps How to grow onions from kitchen scraps

Tutorials: instructables, anktangle

You should cut the root of the onion off and cover it with some potting soil on top of the pot. Keep it in a place that can have a lot of sunlight. 

9. Mushrooms 

How to grow mushrooms from kitchen scraps

You need to keep the stem of the mushroom in order to have new ones. Mushrooms need a warm and humidified area to grow. You will stick the stem to the soil and keep the top part exposed. A new mushroom will grow out of it.

10. Peppers

How to grow peppers from kitchen scraps

Leftover seeds are quite important! If you are living in a warm area, you can plant them in your garden; If you prefer to keep them home, you can use potting soil. You will basically need to bury them in the soil and wait until you see the first signs of your upcoming plant.


11. Tomatoes

How to grow tomatoes from kitchen scraps


You just need to wash and dry the seed of the tomato. They will only need a rich potting soil for you to transplant them. You can both grow your tomatoes indoors or outdoors. Don’t forget that they will need a lot of sunlight and at least a couple of times watering during the week.


12. Basil

How to grow basil from kitchen scraps


You need to keep 4-5 inches of a stem in order to grow your own basil. Place the stem in a glass of water and keep it somewhere it can get some light but not direct exposure to the sunlight. In a couple of days, the root became longer and stronger; now, it is ready to plant!

13. Cilantro

How to grow cilantro from kitchen scraps How to grow cilantro from kitchen scraps

Source: reddit, preparednessmama

Keep the stem of the cilantro in a glass of water in an area where it can get a lot of sunlight. When you see that the root became longer and stronger, your cilantro is ready to be planted.

14. Turnips

How to grow turnips from kitchen scraps

How to grow turnips from kitchen scraps

Source: abc

Save the top of any turnip and place it in a glass of water. While the green side of the plant is growing, the root will also grow and get stronger. When you see that happen, you can plant your turnip to the soil.

15. Cherries

How to grow cherries from kitchen scraps

You will need to collect the pit of the cherry and clean it. You should keep it in a rich soil container with a lid at the fridge for a while to let it germinate. Leave it there for three months before you plant it to the soil. You can have your own lovely cherry tree at home or in your garden.

16. Apples

How to grow apples from kitchen scraps

You should keep several apple seeds to increase your chance to have one! The technique is quite easy, though, you only need to dry and plant these seeds under the soil.

17. Peaches

How to grow peaches from kitchen scraps

Peaches can be grown from their seeds. You should clean and dry the seed and plant them in a nutrition rich soil. You should keep in mind that they will need a lot of sunlight!

18. Lemon

How to grow lemon from kitchen scraps


Again you will need to clean and dry the seeds and plant them in a nutrition rich soil. A specific note for lemon is as they are not very resistant to cold and winds. If you are living in such an area, it might be better to have your lovely lemon tree inside!

19. Fennel

How to grow fennel from kitchen scraps


You have to be very careful with the root as you will need it intact. You need an inch of the root to regrow it. You will start by placing it in a cup of water where it can get direct sunlight. When you see the strong roots and green shoots, that is a clear sign that your fennel is ready to be planted!

20. Chestnuts

How to grow chestnuts from kitchen scraps

This one is a total outdoor plant! You need to dry the chestnuts before you plant them in the soil, they will need a lot of time to grow, and you will need to plant more than one seed in order to have cross-pollination.


It doesn’t require a lot to have your own little farm from kitchen scraps. We often don’t see what we throw away, but there is a lot that we can utilize. It is not only economical but also very nice to grab some plants to chop from the back of your hand. It doesn’t matter If you prefer indoors or outdoors you can try many vegetables to plant!  

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Sophia Rivera is a passionate gardener and home improvement expert based in California. With a deep-rooted love for nature and design, she pursued her Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture from the prestigious University of California, Berkeley. Sophia is not only academically qualified but also a hands-on practitioner in the field. Her certification as a Master Gardener from the California Master Gardener Program is a testament to her extensive knowledge and commitment to gardening and sustainable living. Sophia's expertise is further solidified by her status as a LEED Accredited Professional, highlighting her dedication to green building and eco-friendly home improvement practices. With over a decade of experience in transforming homes and gardens, Sophia has become a trusted name in California's home improvement scene. Her work focuses on creating beautiful, sustainable, and functional spaces that cater to the unique lifestyle and environmental conditions of California.



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