Choose the Right Rose for Your Space

Learn the difference between rose types and how to choose which rose will fit your garden space, the job you need it to do, and your gardening style.

Full sun, deep watering, soil rich in organic matter and regular fertilization are the essentials for growing beautiful roses. If you can provide these elements then it’s just a matter of choosing the right rose for your space based on the answers to a couple of questions.

Roses for Small Spaces

How much space can you give it? For a container garden, choose a miniature rose or tree form, aka standard, rose. Each can be grown successfully in a pot. The tree form is also useful if there is not much space at ground level but plenty of space at about 24” or 36” high. It can be under-planted with some low ground cover and still have plenty of air circulation where it blooms at the top of the plant.

Climbers don’t take up too much space at the bottom but you’ll need a sunny wall with a strong trellis to support the rose. Some will grow up to 30’ if given the space – perfect for climbing up and over the roof of a shed or garage.

Roses for Sloping Ground

Is the ground flat or sloped? Flat spaces are great for hybrid teas so their long stems will grow straight. Sunny slopes can be covered with a sprawling ground cover rose. Shrub-style roses work in either space.

Fuss and Bother Roses

How much time do you want to spend tending it? Roses are great for gardeners who like to fiddle around in the garden. There is always something to do to them. Hybrid teas need more attention than many but if you like the classic long stemmed rose there is none better for filling a vase. For minimal care, choose the shrub style Knock Out™ or the low creeping Flower Carpet™ rose.

Two Truly Easy Care Roses

The term “easy-care rose” is no longer an oxymoron. Knockout™ and Flower Carpet™ are brand names for groups of shrub-style and ground cover roses, respectively, that truly any gardener can manage. When compared with other varieties, Knockout™ and Flower Carpet™ roses are impressive for many reasons:

  • natural disease-resistance
  • willingness to grow in a variety of climates
  • minimum of attention required from the gardener
  • tidy growth habit
  • very little pruning required
  • flowers borne consistently from spring to frost.

Grow a Rose Hedge

Varieties classified as shrub roses make good hedges. They grow thick and provide security for your property, and shelter and food for birds. The Rugosa roses (beach roses) especially are extremely rugged and resistant to pests plus they have large and abundant hips making an excellent food source for wildlife.

Knock Out™ is owned by the Conard-Pyle Co.

Flower Carpet® is a registered trademark of NOACK ROSEN, Germany

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