DIY Swimming Pool Cleaning: How To Do It Correctly
If you own a swimming pool, then it’s crucial that you keep it clean. An unclean swimming pool can attract pests like deer, foxes, frogs, and toads. Additionally, a pool that’s unclean can also quickly be overtaken by algae. Algae can make your pool unusable. If you did try to swim in a pool that’s dirty and covered in algae, then you would more than likely develop some kind of skin irritation, allergic reaction, or infection. In order to avoid all of this, keep your pool clean.
Here is how you can keep your swimming pool clean:
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Electronic Cleaner
An electronic cleaner is an investment that’s definitely worth making. One of these devices can help you to ensure you keep the pool clean and ready for use. The best part about electronic pool cleaners is that they don’t require much intervention on your part.
All you need to do is to turn yours on, and then release it into your pool. Electronic pool cleaners can be expensive, so if you don’t have the money to purchase one outright, it’s a good idea to look for a retailer who will offer you one on credit. Alternatively, you could buy one second-hand (although this isn’t advised, because it likely won’t be under a warranty).
Skimming Surface
Something else that you need to do regularly is to skim your pool’s surface. It’s not uncommon for leaves and other bits of floating matter to appear on the surface of swimming pools, especially during autumn.
You can use a pool skimmer to remove any of this, keeping your pool’s water surface nice and clean. It’s good to skim your pool once or twice a day if you don’t use a pool cover.
Chemical Treatment
You also need to chemically treat your pool. The frequency with which you need to do this depends on the size of your pool and how often you use it. If you don’t chemically treat your pool, then it can become unsafe for use.
If you aren’t sure how to chemically treat your pool, then it’s a good idea to contact a professional and ask them to do it for you. Something else that you should consider is getting in touch with the company that built or supplied your pool and asking them for their advice.
Regular Maintenance
In addition to cleaning your pool, you also need to maintain it. If you notice that your pool’s deteriorating or if there are any cracks, then it’s a good idea to attend to them quickly so that they don’t get worse.
Once a pool begins to deteriorate, it doesn’t take long before it becomes basically unusable. If you aren’t confident making repairs to your pool yourself or if it is under warranty, then contact a repairman or the company that installed your swimming pool for you. You also need to make sure that you keep your pool deck clean.
Removing Vermin
If you notice that there is any vermin in your pool, remove it immediately. Ducks are a very common pest, that move into people’s pools. It is also common for frogs and toads to release spawn in people’s swimming pools.
If you have larger pests like foxes and deer, and even bears, that are drinking your pool’s water, then you should hire a professional pest removal company and commission them to remove the pests from your swimming pool.
If you don’t remove pests quickly, then the problem can get worse very rapidly. More and more will come, until your pool is unusable and very dirty, which means that you and your family can’t safely use it.

Pool Covering
It’s a good idea to put a covering sheet over your pool when you aren’t using it. This is the most effective way of stopping animals from drinking out of your pool and from debris and leaves falling into it.
Nearly all swimming pools come with coverings already installed, which can be rolled out. If yours doesn’t then it’s a very good idea to go out and invest in one. A pool covering will keep your pool clean and save you a lot of time, because you won’t have to go and clean it on a daily basis.
Interior Touch-ups
If the paint on the interior of your pool is peeling or tearing, then you should reapply it. While this is purely a piece of cosmetic maintenance, it’s never a good idea to allow your pool to deteriorate in any way, even cosmetically.
If your swimming pool’s interior paint cracks and comes apart, then it could end up floating on your pool’s surface, which will make it look even more unsightly. You should use proper waterproof paint if you are painting your pool’s surface. Ask your pool’s supplier which paint they used originally so that you can go out and get it yourself.
Changing Water
You need to change your pool’s water every five to seven years. The pool’s supplier should be able to give you an exact figure. If you are in doubt and suspect that your pool water might need to be changed, then you should get in touch with a professional pool repairman and ask them to come out and take a look.
They will be able to tell you if it does need to be changed, and then will be able to make the necessary changes for you, which can save you a lot of time and confusion. They will also treat your pool for you, making it safe for use.
Eliminating Debris
Lastly, if any large debris like rocks falls into your pool, then you should get them out right away. If debris like rocks are able to get into your swimming pool, then they can chip and damage the pool’s floor and walls.
Chipped and damaged walls and floors can lead to much larger cracks, which can damage your pool’s structure and could even result in significant repairs needing to be made. Get rid of any debris as soon as you see them.
If you own a swimming pool, then maintenance is essential. Failure to maintain your pool adequately could result in it either becoming unsafe for use or damaged. Swimming pools are expensive, so should be taken care of. If you can’t take care of your pool yourself, then you should hire an expert to do it for you.