15 Decoration ideas with plants to make every corner of your home an Eden

15 Decoration ideas with plants to make every corner of your home an Eden

There are rooms in the home that are our favorite place, maybe to read, sleep or cook; that’s why we have to make them cozy and with a pleasant atmosphere so that we can enjoy every minute we spend there. Some decorations turn out to be expensive and very complicated and in the end do…

Oncidium Sharry Baby: How to Grow a Chocolate Orchid

Oncidium Sharry Baby: How to Grow a Chocolate Orchid

Oncidium Orchids, also known as “Sharry Baby Orchids” and “Chocolate Orchids” are perfect for every garden. No matter if you’re a beginner or an expert, they’ll bring something unique to your arrangement. Chocolate Orchids produce stunning blossoms and a sweet scent. These are the two driving factors behind their popularity. Plus, it’s really easy to…

Mother of Thousands Kalanchoe Diagremontiana Gives Birth in a Pot

Mother of Thousands Kalanchoe Diagremontiana Gives Birth in a Pot

Supermom succulent Kalanchoe diagremontiana often called ‘Mother of Thousands’ is a stay at home houseplant prodigiously propagating viviparous plantlets. Mother of Thousands suggests the gardener’s version of the nursery rhyme ‘There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe.’ A green mother of thousands lived in a pot With so many plantlets, what’s a…

Orchid Plants: A Beginner's Guide to Growing and Caring for Orchids

A Beginner’s Guide to Growing and Caring for Orchids

Orchids are infamous for being difficult to grow and maintain. These beautiful flowers stand out because of their large, vibrant colors, and long-lasting blooms they symbolize love, fertility, and grace. These majestic flowers are perfect to give as gifts to loved ones or grow in your garden. We’ve provided you with an Orchid Care Guide…

How To Make Diy Patio Canopy

DIY Patio Canopy: How To Build a Simple & Cheap DIY Canopy

While you are waiting for climbers to cover a pergola, you can create instant privacy with fabric. A billowing “ceiling” of translucent cotton or muslin adds a wonderful “Arabian Nights” feel to the summer patio. See Globo Surf People looking down into the garden from surrounding houses won’t be able to see through, but the …